Role of Python in modern Web Development

Role of Python in modern Web Development by digital dnyan
Role of Python in modern Web Development by digital dnyan

In this world of programming language if there is any language that gained popularity in a very shortest time span, its Python only!!! According to research here are the figures for the popularity of programming languages:

  1. Python: 26.7%
  2. Java: 22.6%
  3. C++: 9.9%. 

This indicates that it is a favorable language for developers. Here are various real-world applications of Python,

  • Software Development
  • Web and Internet Development
  • Desktop and GUI Applications
  • Database Access 
  • Games and 3D Graphics
  • Business Applications

Among all these application areas one area where python shines the most is – Web Development. Very easy to learn the language, and its syntax is very clear and concise. So, its a popular choice for beginners and developers to choose python among other languages. Web Development includes managing packages, building user interfaces, and bundling code. 

Here I will explain it’s role in modern web development-

1.Managing Packages:

Managing packages for folders and drives on an operating system. Packages help us in storing modules and other sub-packages so that they are used by users whenever required. Python package is a directory with the name _init_. py which contains modules and other packages into it. Once the package is created, we can access that package in various ways. In this way, the language manages the package in a great way.

2. Building User Interface:

It plays an important role in building a user interface. There are several options for building a user interface. Tkinter is the most commonly used method to build user interfaces. Python with Tkinter outputs the easiest and fastest way to create GUI applications.

3. Bundling Code:

Bundling of code is the process of grouping and compressing a set of files of the same type to limit the number and amount of data to be downloaded by the browser. PYInstaller in Python plays the role of bundling. PYInstaller reads the scriptwriter by programmer then it analyzes code to discover every module and library your script needs in order to execute and then puts in a single executable file.

Python is OOP, interpreted, dynamically typed and interactive programming language. It is very popular in Machine language, AI and Data Science. This programming language expanded its popularity in the field of Web Development. It is the most acceptable language in web development because of its strong emphasis on its readability and efficiency. There are lots of Python frameworks with their own features.


Here I will cover the major frameworks used in modern web development:


Category: Full-stack  framework

Release: Latest version-2.1 version. Used version 1.8,1.6 version. 

Description: Django is a high-level Python web framework. Django allows clean, rapid and pragmatic design development. It’s free and open source. To map objects to the database table it uses ORM and the same is used to transfer from one database to another. It works with almost all databases like MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL.


  Database schema migrations 

Template Engine 

URL routing




 Category: Non full stacks category.

 Release: 1.0.2 version

Description: It is a microframework as it doesn’t require any particular tools or libraries. It supports multiple extensions which extended the application features if it is implemented in flask itself.


  Unicode based

  Support for secure cookies 

Extensive Documentation 

Google App engine Compatibility 

Integrated support for unit testing


Category: Non full sack framework. 

Release: 1.9.2 version. 

Description: It is a small and fast web framework. It is developed as part of the Python project. Due to this framework, real-world web application development and deployment have become more productive. 


  Very fast and accurate



  Includes exclusive and up to date documentation.


Now it's time to figure out which companies use python and why?

  1. Google: 

Now it is an official Google server-side language with the addition to C++, Java, Go, which allows for production. From the beginning, Google was providing support for Python. This is enabled for easy maintenance and fast delivery. Today so many Google’s Engineers using it.

  1. Facebook:

Facebook uses Python to process its images. Facebook chooses this language for its simplicity, popularity and speedy development. Facebook Engineers don’t have to write or maintain a very tricky code due to the simplicity of code structure.

  1. Instagram:

Instagram is a great example of using it in combination with the Django framework. Instagram chooses this programming language due to its simplicity and popularity. Instagram’s Engineer has invested its time and resources through Python deployment at a massive scale.

These companies use this machine language due to its simplicity and readability, speedy development, the popularity of the language.


So, if you are looking forward to do a course in Python, then you will be learning all these in detail, for which you can join Digital Dnyan Academy in Pune, which is one of the best training institutes.

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